Please read this information in its entirety before proceeding to the submission site. It will help you to prepare a complete and accurate submission.
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Session Length: 1-2 hours
Number of Presenters: TBD


Wellness activities are designed to provide participants with tools for relaxation, personal enrichment, and avoidance of burnout, as well as experiential learning opportunities in methods proven to be beneficial for patient well-being. In additional to programs in yoga, mindfulness meditation, and various outdoor recreational activities, the Program Committee is interested in including a limited number of additional opportunities for meeting participants to explore and experience innovative approaches to wellness.

Some examples of programs that have proven successful at past meetings include therapeutic drawing, poetry writing, paper cutting, and music therapy.

Discussion of any pertinent background or evidence base for the utility of the activity should be described in the submission. Submissions should also describe the activity and precisely outline how time for the activity will be organized


Wellness activities are free and open to all meeting attendees as space permits. Programs can be 1-2 hours long.

Wellness activities are not eligible for CME credit.

The Chair and/or presenter of an accepted Wellness activity may claim up to $75 for reimbursement following the meeting for the cost of providing all of the necessary materials for this activity (receipts must be provided and approved). It is the presenter’s responsibility to bring and set up these materials onsite for the session.


Each submission for a Wellness Activity should include the following items:

  • Submission Title
  • Chair(s) affiliation and email address
  • At least two (2) educational learning objectives
  • Expected length (1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours)
  • Review Abstract that includes the program’s objectives, educational approach, and proposed schedule
  • Professional Practice Gap Identification
  • Names, organizations, contact information, email addresses, and disclosures for all co-presenters

AACAP will accept Wellness Activities based on space availability and efficacy of the proposal. All Wellness Activities must submit a complete proposal each year to be considered for the program at the Annual Meeting. To submit a Wellness Activity for consideration, select “Begin a Submission” at the bottom right hand side of this page.

Questions regarding Wellness Programs can be directed to the Program Committee’s Wellness Coordinator, Hanna Stevens, MD, at

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