Dieter Wolke, PhD

University of Warwick
Department of Psychology and Division of Mental Health & Wellbeing
University of Warwick
Coventry, RI
United Kingdom CV4 7AL

36.2 Bullying Among Siblings

Additional applicant information: Among other projects Professor Wolke is currently involved in: Prenatal and Family Precursors of Bullying Involvement in Childhood and their Consequences into Early Adulthood, with Dr. Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala - Health Sciences, Funded by: ESRC, Project Start Date: 26/11/2012 Project End Date: 25/05/2014 Research Degree Supervised Relations between parenting styles, personality and temperament of the children and the child's bullying behaviour directed towards siblings at home context and directed towards peers at school context, Date of Completion: 2012

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