Media Theatre 3 (open)
Turtles Can Fly

War and collective violence have an impact on child development. Turtles Can Fly, set in Kurdistan on the eve of the second Gulf War, takes place in a Kurdish refugee camp where the make shift village waits for the American invasion with a mixture of trepidation, hope, and hunger for information. The film focuses on the struggles of daily life, particularly those of the local children, many of them orphans and refugees. The movie helps identify factors that confer vulnerability and promote resiliency. With children and young people increasingly being direct and indirect victims of mass violence and displacement the need for community level interventions are discussed.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013: 7:00 PM-10:00 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP Diversity and Culture Committee and the AACAP International Relations Committee and the AACAP Family Committee

See more of: Media Theatre
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