American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 63rd Annual Meeting Program Schedule
Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Clinical Consultation Breakfast (ticket)
The Individual Psychotherapy of Adolescent Sexual Abuse Victims
Most sexual abuse is initiated during ages eight to 11 years and can last for several years, having a major impact on developmental tasks. As child and adolescent psychiatrists, it is important to understand certain overall themes that recur in treating and working with sexually abused adolescents, including 1) the extent of the abuse rarely being fully revealed in the first interview; 2) the anger and confusion around the victimization being first directed at the perpetrator, then those who could have or should have protected the victim, and, finally, at the victim herself/himself; and 3) the very intense emotions that occur and must be expected throughout treatment. Participants learn more about these predominant themes, the various tasks of adolescence that are compromised by the victimization, and various pitfalls that arise in working with victims. Participants are strongly encouraged to present their own cases and issues for discussion.
Thursday, October 27, 2016: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
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