Please read this information in its entirety before proceeding to the submission site. It will help you to prepare a complete and accurate submission.
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Session Length: 2-3 hours
Number of Presenters: 1-4


A Media Theatre session features a piece of media (i.e., a full-length motion picture, a commercially released documentary, a videotape produced by members, music, etc.) relevant to any area of child and adolescent psychiatry. Following a viewing/listening of the film/song/episode/etc., a robust discussion should be facilitated between presenters and attendees.


A Media Theatre should follow these guidelines in order to be considered by the Program Committee for the 2025 Annual Meeting program:

  • Include 1-4 presenters to discuss with the audience the themes highlighted in the film/song/episode/etc.
  • Based on high anticipated interest, relevance to the field, and timeliness.
  • Must clearly demonstrate significant educational merit to be accepted.
  • The Review Abstract must provide details about how the discussion will be structured and facilitated following the media viewing.


A Media Theatre will be in a room with theatre style seating. A podium and head table will be provided for presenters. If accepted, AACAP will provide a screen and a projector for this session type. Microphones are provided based on room size. Depending on the screening requirements, a hard-wired internet line or a DVD player will be provided. Additional AV requests will be considered but cannot be guaranteed.


Each submission for a Media Theatre should include the following items:

  • Submission Title
  • Chair(s) affiliation and email address(s)
  • At least two (2) educational learning objectives
  • Review Abstract (see details below)*
  • One (1) NON-RETURNABLE copy of the film or other media, or a link to the electronic copy for the Program Committee to use for the Review
  • Requested length of full program (between 2-3 hours, including length of media viewing AND discussion)
  • Names, organizations, contact information, email addresses, and disclosures for all co-presenters, discussants, etc.

* Submitters should organize the Review Abstract for the entire Media Theatre presentation under the following headings:

  • Objective (what is the clinical syndrome, condition or context being discussed OR what is the specific therapeutic technique that is illustrated)
  • Background (some information about the topic presented in the Objective)
  • Methods (give at least a one paragraph description of each case that will be presented and the manner of presentation)
  • Results (describe the teaching techniques that you plan to use as well as what aspect each of the presenters and discussants will address)
  • Conclusions (what aspect will each of the presenters or discussants address)
  • Bibliography (provide at least 1 and no more than 5 references supporting this work)

NOTE: Media Theatre sessions do not require a Proceedings Abstract.

If a Media Theatre submission is accepted, it is the responsibility of the session Chair(s) to obtain appropriate release(s) to show the media at the meeting in Chicago**. Reasonable charges that are necessary to obtain the screening release will be covered on request by AACAP. The media submission must be consumable in the United States to be accepted and shown at the Annual Meeting.

**Streaming Services: Please note that neither Hulu nor Amazon have made provisions for educational screenings of their original content. Other streaming services may or may not have educational screening provisions and it is the responsibility of the submitter to research what the screening release options are. Limited Netflix content is available for educational screenings. Please read about Netflix's Educational Screenings of Documentaries policy. Regardless of the streaming service, the submitter may need to contact the production company itself to obtain permission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the unlikely event that the AACAP 2025 Annual Meeting is forced to become a virtual meeting, some films and television shows that are only available via streaming services might not be able to be viewed by attendees via the conference platform and other viewing arrangements will be made.


AACAP has a strong commitment to promoting mental health equity and combating health disparities. We support cultural competency efforts that enable practitioners to care effectively for patients from diverse cultures, groups, and communities. Each presentation MUST include relevant information on differences in prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment pertaining to diverse racial and ethnic populations and/or consider other ways of infusing diversity, equity and inclusion principles into the proposal. This may include selecting diverse presenters, including participants with lived experience, using the backdrop of Chicago to the benefit of the program, or many other ways that reflect AACAP’s values. If information is not available or if the presenters’ research does not include this information, speakers should address limitations of current research data in addressing needs of minoritized groups.


When submitting for a Media Theatre, the submitter must also submit a review copy of the proposed work (DVD, CD, online streaming). If submitting a physical DVD for the Program Committee to review, the DVD will NOT be returned to you. Please plan to obtain another copy of the DVD to be used during the session or plan to stream the media during the session if the submission is accepted.

If submitting an electronic copy of the film for the Program Committee to review instead of a physical DVD, clearly indicate how the reviewers are to consume the media (i.e., Netflix, Amazon, etc.). If there is a cost to reviewing the electronic submission work, that cost must be covered by the submitter. If you have questions regarding paying for electronic review of your submission media, please email

Physical copies of the media must be received at the AACAP offices no later than Thursday, February 6, 2025. The review process for Media Theatre presentations is especially time-consuming so submissions received early are appreciated.

Please mail copy to:
AACAP Annual Meeting
c/o Meetings Coordinator
3615 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016


AACAP will accept up to fifteen (15) Media Theatre this year. All Media Theatre proposals must be submitted each year to be considered for the scientific program at the Annual Meeting. To submit a Media Theatre for consideration, select “Begin a Submission” at the top or bottom right-hand side of this page.

Questions regarding Media Theatre can be directed to

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