AACAP's Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts of original investigations for consideration in the 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), October 20-25, 2025, in Chicago, IL. Before beginning a submission, please thoroughly review the AACAP Rules and Instructions for the Annual Meeting in the tabs above.

AACAP is planning for an in-person meeting in Chicago and as such, will require all presenters to be in-person in Chicago for their presentation. As you prepare your submission, please make sure all speakers are willing and able to attend in person.

All submissions must be peer-reviewed by the Program Committee. Topics may include any aspect of child and adolescent psychiatry that advance the field and can be used to improve the well-being of children and their families.


A variety of session types will be presented at AACAP's Annual Meeting. Each session type has a specific set of requirements that need to be followed for the submission to be reviewed by the Program Committee. All submissions, regardless of the type, require the following:

  • All submissions require an abstract and at least two (2) learning objectives.
  • Abstract requirements vary; see Summary of Submission Requirements at the bottom of the Instructions tab above.
  • All potential presenters and authors are REQUIRED to complete a disclosure of financial relationships form*.
    • The submission will be rejected if these disclosures are not received. Lack of disclosure may jeopardize AACAP's ability to provide CME credits.
  • All submissions are accepted as is and we expect presenters to present what was originally accepted.
  • All presentations and materials should be in English.
    • To facilitate effective communication, the Program Committee strongly suggests that participants who do not use English as their primary language have their submission materials, posters, and/or slides reviewed in advance by colleagues with an excellent command of the English language. 
  • All presentations are required to disclose if Artificial Intelligence (AI) was used in any capacity to create the session. See more detailed guidelines on the AACAP Rules tab above.
  • All presentations are required to incorporate relevant information on differences in prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment response pertaining to diverse racial and ethnic populations and/or consider other ways of infusing diversity, equity, and inclusion principles into the proposal. Please review the "Content Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" section of each program type to understand how this could be done.


    • The Program Committee encourages submitters to think about ways to effectively engage the audience to create a learning environment that goes beyond didactic lectures. Please see this list of techniques to include active engagement in your sessions. If you plan to include one or more of these methods, please indicate those details in Step 1 of your submission.
    • Read the detailed descriptions of each type of program to determine the best format for your content. The Program Committee may reject a submission if it does not appropriately fit the format proposed.
    • Submissions are required to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in some capacity. See additional instructions about required diversity, equity, and inclusion content in submissions in the Instructions tab.
    • Submissions related to the roles of child and adolescent psychiatrists as leaders in systems of care, collaborating with other leaders across sectors who care for high risk and underrepresented youth on prevention efforts, integrating interdisciplinary professionals into the care team, and/or involving the community in support for youth are encouraged, to reflect the presidential theme: Bringing the Village to Our Children: Child Psychiatry’s Role in the Transformation of Children’s Mental Health.
    • The Program Committee welcomes and encourages submissions from students, trainees, and junior investigators, but requires that these submissions be reviewed by a senior faculty member or other senior mentor prior to completion.

    WHAT'S NEW FOR 2025?

    • The Program Committee requires that submitters disclose whether AI (artificial intelligence) is used in the creation of the submission. This will not discount the submission, necessarily, but if accepted, the Program Committee may require additional disclosure of the usage.
    • Clinical Perspectives submissions can now be 90-minutes long or 2-hours long. Submitters can choose their preferred session length in the submission.
    • Submissions are limited to a maximum three (3) committee sponsors.

    If you have any questions about these submission requirements or would like assistance with your submission, please email meetings@aacap.org.

    *Please note that individuals with an ownership interest in a privately held ACCME-defined ineligible company or employment with an ACCME-defined ineligible company may not speak in any session regarding the ineligible company’s line of products, except New Research Posters and the Research Pipeline (which do not offer CME credit). The ACCME defines an ineligible company as "any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients." The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be ineligible companies. For questions regarding this rule, please contact cme@aacap.org.

    AACAP's 2025 Annual Meeting Call for Papers Rules and Regulations

    In order to submit a proposal, all submitters MUST agree to the rules and regulations outlined below.

    Audiovisual Equipment Policies

    Basic audiovisual equipment is provided, free of charge, for most sessions, but not all. Please review the session format pages found on the "Instructions" tab to confirm what basic AV equipment you can expect if your session is accepted.

    Upon acceptance, the chair(s) of a program will be asked to submit a request for equipment beyond what is already included for the session type they've submitted. Presenters are urged to carefully consider AACAP costs and not request unnecessary equipment. Internet connections are not considered standard AV equipment, though basic wireless connections will be available in the meeting rooms. If you require specialized equipment (beyond a projector and screen), you MUST include a description of these needs in your review abstract and your proposal to cover the costs for this equipment.

    All presenters should plan on presenting in person. AACAP cannot provide the AV infrastructure to bring in presenters virtually for live sessions.

    Content Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    AACAP has a strong commitment to promoting mental health equity and combating health disparities. We support cultural competency efforts that enable practitioners to care effectively for patients from diverse cultures, groups, and communities. Each presentation MUST include relevant information on differences in prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment pertaining to diverse racial and ethnic populations and/or consider other ways of infusing diversity, equity and inclusion principles into the proposal. This may include selecting diverse presenters, including participants with lived experience, using the backdrop of Chicago to the benefit of the program, or many other ways that reflect AACAP’s values. If information is not available or if the presenters’ research does not include this information, speakers should address limitations of current research data in addressing needs of minoritized groups.

    Content Validity Statement

    AACAP’s CME and Program Committees expect that the educational content of your submission is fair and balanced, and that any clinical content that is presented supports safe, effective patient care. All recommendations for patient care should be based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning, while giving a fair and balanced view of diagnostic and therapeutic options. All scientific research referred to, reported, or used in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

    If your presentation explores new and evolving topics or treatments that may have less evidence base, please identify that content in your submission and explain how the presentation will present a balanced, objective view of that content, including a range of perspectives.

    Disclosure of Financial Relationships

    All potential presenters and authors must complete a disclosure of financial relationships form. This is a REQUIREMENT for all authors of all submissions. The submission will be rejected if these disclosures are not received. Lack of disclosure may jeopardize AACAP's ability to provide CME credits. These disclosures will be listed online, in the Program Book, and the Book of Scientific Proceedings. In addition, disclosures must be given verbally and via slides (if using) during the session. The Program Committee monitors disclosures at every session. Should you need to make changes to your disclosures after February 13, 2025, email meetings@aacap.org.

    Employees of Ineligible Companies

    Employees of ACCME-defined ineligible companies or owners of stock/equity in privately held ineligible companies may not speak in any session regarding the ineligible company’s line of products, except New Research Posters and the Research Pipeline program (which do not offer CME credit). The ACCME defines an ineligible company as "any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients." The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be ineligible companies. For questions regarding this rule, please contact cme@aacap.org.


    Authors are expected to conform to accepted ethical standards of not submitting original research findings in multiple conferences or journals. Information that has already been presented or accepted for publication should not be submitted. Authors uncertain about their compliance with this rule should contact meetings@aacap.org.

    Limit on Submissions

    An individual presenter cannot be listed on more than five (5) submissions of any type, including a maximum of two (2) posters. Additional submissions beyond this limit may be rejected.

    An individual may be listed as an author on as many submissions as necessary if they are not presenting. Please review the submission roles and responsibilities to better understand the difference between a presenter and an author.

    Operating Principles for Extramural Support of AACAP Meetings and Related Activities

    Click here for the most recent version of AACAP's Operating Principles for Extramural Support of AACAP Meetings and Related Activities. These are the guidelines that govern all AACAP meetings.

    ORCID iD

    An ORCID iD is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies an academic author. It is a 16-digit code, in the format: 0000-0000-0000-000X. Publishers use it to unambiguously attribute any published work to the correct authors. ORCID is a not-for-profit association of publishers and academic organizations that maintains the central registry of these personal identifiers (ORCID iDs) and associated public profiles for authors in academic publishing. Please visit http://orcid.org/ for more information.

    ORCID iD is collected during the "People" step of the submission (click on 'Edit Person' to add this information).

    Policy on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted Technologies

    When submitters, presenters, presenting authors, or authors use artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in any aspect of the work reported in the submission and/or the development of submission materials, these individuals should:

    • Only use these technologies to improve readability and language, not to replace key researcher tasks such as interpreting data or drawing scientific conclusions.
    • Apply the technology with human oversight and control, and carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.
    • Not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author or cite AI as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans.

    All submitters are asked to disclose the use of AI in Step 1 of the submission form. The Program Committee will take the use of AI into account when evaluating the proposal and may ask for a formal disclosure statement to share with the learners. Program Committee members are not permitted to use AI during the review process and all submissions will remain confidential.  

    Scheduling and Preliminary Program

    AACAP does NOT generally honor requests to schedule presentations on specific days. In submitting, authors assert availability to present on any day of the Annual Meeting, October 20-25, 2025. Individuals who are accepted for multiple presentations may be required to find substitutes for themselves due to scheduling conflicts. 

    If you already know of a scheduling conflict that is unavoidable, please email meetings@aacap.org by March 31, 2025, with the conflict and the Program Committee will take it into consideration.

    Upon acceptance of the presentation, information will be sent only to the Chair(s)/Presenting Author(s) to indicate acceptance, provide registration materials, and provide any additional information on the presentation. It is the responsibility of the Chair(s)/Presenting Author(s) to communicate this and all other information regarding the presentation to all co-presenters.

    The preliminary program, containing the meeting schedule, will be available on AACAP's website, www.aacap.org, in June 2025; registration opens in early August 2025.

    Program Committee's Senior Investigator Non-Member Travel Award

    The Program Committee offers a limited number of Senior Investigator Non-Member Travel Awards for the Annual Meeting each year. Senior Investigators are defined as non-member, non-child psychiatrists doing seminal scientific research in areas related to AACAP's mission. Consideration for Travel Awards is also based on applicants' potential scientific contributions to the meeting, financial need, recent scientific work, whether they are addressing a topic with high priority for AACAP, and travel distance to the meeting. If you are eligible for this Travel Award, please enter your interest in the "People" step of the submission. If a Travel Award is granted, the awardee will receive complimentary meeting registration and a travel stipend. AACAP holds the rights to waive informalities in the application process.

    AACAP Committee Chairs may also make recommendations for Travel Awards on behalf of eligible applicants who are processed as participants in Committee-sponsored submissions. A brief statement as to how the applicant's attendance at the meeting would enhance the program and otherwise meets criteria for an award should be included in the "People" step, listed under that presenter (there is a request field for this award).

    Program Committee's Patient/Parent Travel Award

    The Program Committee is offering a limited amount of funding to support travel by patients and/or the patient’s family members who agree to participate in a clinical content session. If a live interview is proposed as an integral part of a session (i.e., a Clinical Case Conference session), the program chair may request a stipend for patient/family travel support. Consideration for this travel award is based on the impact of the patient and/or family member’s participation on the overall program. However, program acceptance does not guarantee that the travel support will be awarded. Travel awardees will be notified over the summer (via the program chair).

    If a speaker on your program is eligible for this Travel Award, please enter your interest in applying for this award in the "People" step of the submission, listed under that presenter's name (there is a request field for this award). If a travel award is granted, the awardee will receive complimentary meeting registration and a travel stipend. AACAP holds the rights to waive informalities in the application process. 

    Travel Reimbursement and Honoraria

    AACAP does not pay for travel, hotel, or honoraria expenses for Annual Meeting presenters. All Institute presenters receive an honorarium. No other presenters receive honoraria for the Annual Meeting.

    Review Decisions

    All Program Committee review decisions are final. All acceptance and rejection letters will be sent via email in May 2025. Feedback on rejected submissions is provided upon request by emailing meetings@aacap.org

    Registration Fees

    All presenters (member or non-member) are required to register for the meeting and pay registration fees. AACAP members and all child and adolescent psychiatrists, whether presenting or not, are required to pay full registration fees. Non-child and adolescent psychiatrist presenters must register, but for a reduced fee. Submitters should inform co-presenters of these policies.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    When putting together a submission, there are a variety of roles to which an individual can be assigned. Please review the roles and responsibilities carefully to understand what each person is responsible for and will be asked to do if the submission is accepted.

    Satellite Symposia

    Satellite symposia are not allowed at AACAP's Annual Meeting. Please contact AACAP's Development Department at 202.966.7300 ext. 113 or email sponsorship@aacap.org for a copy of the most current corporate sponsorship guidelines and/or sponsorship opportunities.

    Session Recording Information

    Clinical Perspectives, Honors Presentations, Institutes, Plenary Sessions, and Symposia are recorded, and recordings of the presentation are sold. Speaker PowerPoint slides are also captured during the recording process and included with the audio. Speakers on these types of programs will be asked for permission to be recorded during the submission process. In addition, in the unlikely event that the 2025 Annual Meeting needs to be 100% virtual, we are asking all presenters for permission to record their program in case it is necessary to do so. 

    Student and Trainee Submissions

    AACAP highly encourages and supports program submissions from presenters with bachelor's-level degrees, students, and current trainees (residents, fellows, and post-docs). AACAP does require that Presenting Authors who meet this criterion should indicate this by checking the "Student/Trainee Submission" box in Step 1 of the application.

    The Program Committee requires that all Student/Trainee applications be reviewed and approved by a senior co-author/mentor prior to final submission. Presenting authors should enter the name of the senior reviewer in Step 1 as well.

    Visit AACAP's website for medical students and residents for complete details about all of the Annual Meeting awards and programs for this group.


    All information must be submitted online. Applicants are encouraged to compose their Review and/or Proceedings Abstracts using their own word-processing software, where they can more conveniently check spelling and grammar. The completed abstract can be copied and pasted into the online forms.


    Submissions must be submitted online by the following dates. There can be no exceptions.

    Thursday, February 13, 2025

    Deadline for submissions for Clinical Case Conferences, Clinical Consultation Breakfasts, Clinical Perspectives, Extended Workshops, Institutes, Media Theatre, Member Services Fora, Other Programs, Posters, Special Interest Study Groups, Symposia, Wellness, and Workshops. Notification of acceptance is given in May 2025 via email to the listed Chair(s) of the submission (please note, the chair receives this notification - not all speakers on a submission).

    Thursday, June 5, 2025

    Deadline for submissions for late New Research Posters. Notification of acceptance is made in August 2025 via email to the presenting authors of the poster. If data are available, please submit the Poster for the February deadline.

    Deadlines will be enforced. The submission page will close at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on the designated dates; therefore, late submissions cannot be accepted. Incomplete submissions will be automatically rejected.


    The program is organized into the following types of presentation formats. Please choose the preferred format carefully to be sure it best fits the criteria. Click on any format to see the detailed submission requirements and to access the appropriate submission form.


    • The title of the submission
    • The chair's contact information
    • Educational learning objectives
    • Names, organizations, contact information, email addresses, and disclosures for all authors
    • Review and/or Proceedings Abstracts as outlined below


    for entire

    for entire

    for each

    Clinical Case Conference Not Required REQUIRED Not required
    Clinical Consultation Breakfast Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Clinical Perspectives REQUIRED Not required REQUIRED
    Extended Workshop REQUIRED REQUIRED Not required
    Media Theatre Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Member Services Forum Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Other Program Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Poster REQUIRED Not required Not required
    Special Interest Study Group Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Symposium REQUIRED Not required REQUIRED
    Wellness Not required REQUIRED Not required
    Workshop REQUIRED REQUIRED Not required

    Review Abstract:

    A "Review Abstract" is the 8,000-character document (not including spaces; approximately 1,000 words) used to explain the idea of the session in detail to the Program Committee in their review. It is required for ALL submission types EXCEPT for Clinical Perspectives, Posters, and Symposia. The Review Abstract is not published. For Institutes, a Review Abstract is required for the overall submission, but is not required for each individual presentation.

    To prepare the Review Abstract, follow these instructions:

    • No more than 8,000 characters (not including spaces; approximately 1,000 words)
    • MUST be organized using the following headings:
      • Objectives
      • Background
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Conclusions
      • Bibliography
    • Bibliography must have at least one (1) and no more than five (5) references
    • Give the background of the specific hypothesis (or hypotheses)
    • State methods, data, sample size, and data analyses used; data collection and preliminary analysis should be complete
    • Include clinical implications, when appropriate
    • State measures used and provide information regarding reliability and validity
    • Tables, diagrams, and images are permitted
    • Incomplete studies or submissions that promise results by the time of presentation will be rejected
    • If the proposed instrument reported in the submission has not been published and if the author is not part of the submission, indicate the author's agreement for the use of the instrument in this research
    • If the work reports on an unpublished instrument, the Review Abstract should address issues of reliability and validity
    • Indicate whether there will be handouts of all or part of the instrument; include clinical implications, when appropriate

    Proceedings Abstract:

    The Proceedings Abstract is the 2,000-character abstract published in a special supplemental issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and provided to meeting attendees. The content of the abstract submission is the sole responsibility of the author. A "Proceedings Abstract" is the abstract for a session or paper that will be published in October 2025 in the supplemental issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

    Please Note: The primary author or authors' email address will be published with the abstract in the Book of Scientific Proceedings.

    To prepare the Proceedings Abstract, follow these instructions:

    • Abstracts must be organized using the headings of Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions as listed in the text box below. Include text for each heading. Do not include information with any additional headings.
    • Do not include tables, diagrams, references, or bibliography information for the Proceedings Abstract.
    • Abstracts may contain no less than 250 characters, and no more than 2,000 characters, not including spaces (approximately 250 words including all sections of your abstract i.e., objectives, methods, etc. This does not include title, author name, or contact information, or spaces).
    • Describe the content of the presentation.
    • Use complete sentences.
    • Use the following style to list items: 1) ____; 2) ____; 3) ____; etc.
    • Use DSM-5 diagnoses, i.e. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
    • Prior to using acronyms, please click here to view AACAP’s approved list of acronyms and be sure that your abstract is consistent with this list (e.g., ADHD for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). If you use an acronym from the approved list, you do not need to define it in the abstract. If the acronym is not on the list, introduce it with a full definition the first time it is used in the abstract; for example: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D).
    • Trade names for medications and other proprietary products can only be used once in an abstract, after which generic terminology should be utilized.

    Proceedings Abstracts should not also be used for the Review Abstract. The Program Committee expects to see more detail in the Review Abstract so that they can more fully evaluate the submission.

    The deadline for submissions has been reached.

    Resuming or Revising a Submission

    Once you have submitted Step 1 of your submission, you will automatically receive an email that includes a password-protected hyperlink. You can resume or modify your submission up until the submission deadline by clicking on the hyperlink in that email. For help in submitting an abstract online, e-mail technical support.

    If you have already completed Step 1 -- and you wish to resume, edit, or withdraw that submission -- you can do so online up until the submission deadline. You can view your abstract even after the deadline. If you can find the confirming email mentioned above (from aacap@confex.com) then you will have found a direct link to your submission. If you remember the abstract ID# and password, enter those codes below.


    AACAP Annual Meeting Call for Papers Frequently Asked Questions

    When is the absolute latest that I can complete my submission on the online submission site?

    The site will be shut down at 11:59 pm EST on Thursday, February 13, 2025. For late New Research Poster submissions, the site will be shut down at 11:59 pm EDT on Thursday, June 5, 2025.

    What do I need to include in my submission?

    The items that need to be included in your submission vary based on the type of presentation you would like to present. There is a description of the requirements for each type of submission in the Call for Papers. To find this, go to "Begin a Submission" and click on the type of program you're submitting or click on the Summary of Submission Requirements Grid.

    How do I know if my submission is complete?

    The last step for all of the submissions is to confirm that all of the information is entered correctly and check the box indicating your agreement with the AACAP Rules. Once your submission is complete, the chair will receive a confirmation email as well. Your Submission is not complete until you've checked this box and the chair has recieved a confirmation email.

    I completed my submission, but now want to make a change. Can I?

    Changes can be made to submissions until the deadline. Your confirmation email will include login information for you to return to your submission and make changes. Please be sure to save this email somewhere so you have it for future reference.

    What is the difference between the Review Abstract and the Proceedings Abstract?

    The Review Abstract is what the Program Committee will use to evaluate your submission. See the detailed explanation of the Review Abstract on the Instructions tab. The Proceedings Abstract will only be used if your submission is accepted. This is the abstract that will be included in AACAP's Annual Meeting Book of Scientific Proceedings, which is published through the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. See the detailed Proceedings Abstract Submission instructions on the Instructions tab. NOTE: You cannot use the same abstract for the Review Abstract and the Proceedings Abstract; they should be two separate abstracts. The Review Abstract should be significantly more detailed than the Proceedings Abstract.

    How many characters are allowed in the Review Abstract?

    The Review Abstract is limited to 8,000 characters (approximately 1,000 words), not including spaces and headings. The title of the abstract and names of the authors are not included in this character count. Text that is incorporated into a chart or graph is calculated in this character count. Review Abstracts should be organized around the following headings: Objectives, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Bibliography. Bibliographies should include at least one (1) and no more than five (5) references.

    How many characters are allowed in the Proceedings Abstract?

    The Proceedings Abstract is limited to 2,000 characters (approximately 350 words) not including spaces and headings. The title of the abstract and names of the authors are not included in this character count. Proceedings Abstracts should be organized around the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

    How will speakers enter their disclosures?

    All speaker disclosures must be submitted by the February 13 or June 5, 2025 deadlines, respectively. If the chair or primary author submits the abstract(s), he/she must also submit the disclosures for each speaker and author before the submission will be considered complete. Speakers and authors will have the opportunity to review their disclosures and contact information immediately after the submission deadline to confirm the accuracy.

    Am I required to submit my demographic information?

    Speakers and presenters are not required to submit their demographic information in order to be considered for the AACAP Annual Meeting program. However, as AACAP continues to focus on strengthening the diversity of the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, we encourage you to share as much as you are comfortable sharing with us. If a speaker prefers not to share their demographic information, they should select “Prefer not to say” from the drop down menus.

    When will I hear whether my submission was accepted?

    If the submission was completed for the February deadline, the Program Committee meets in April and sends acceptance and rejection emails in May. For submissions completed for the June deadline, acceptance and rejection emails are sent in August.

    Are satellite symposia allowed?

    Absolutely not. Participation in a satellite symposia or other unapproved scientific events will result in disqualification from the meeting. All events MUST use the Call for Papers submission process to be included in the Annual Meeting.

    Can I make scheduling requests?

    Please email your request to meetings@aacap.org with specific dates and reason for your request by March 31, 2025. AACAP cannot guarantee that they can accommodate your request but will make its best effort to do so.

    Will AACAP pay for the hotel or travel expenses of my VIP non-member speaker?

    No. Honorarium will not be offered for any other programs beyond Institutes. No exceptions are ever made to this policy.

    However, non-member, non-child psychiatrist presenters can apply for a Program Committee Senior Investigator Non-Member Travel Award in the "People" step of the submission process. As well, chairs of programs that are submitting for a clinical-based session are able to apply for a Patient/Parent Travel Award. Consideration for this travel award is based on whether the input of the patient and/or family member greatly enhances the overall program. If either type of Travel Award is granted, the awardee will receive complementary meeting registration and a travel stipend. Awardees will be notified in June.

    I am a non-member presenter. If my program is accepted, do I have to pay registration fees?

    Yes, all accepted presenters MUST register for the Annual Meeting. If you are a non-member, we have discounted rates for non-member presenters. Information about how to get the discounted rate will be sent in early August when registration opens.

    I have a non-member presenter who has NOTHING to do with child and adolescent psychiatry. Does s/he really have to pay a registration fee?

    After your submission is accepted, please email meetings@aacap.org with details of your request. In some cases, the Program Chair may consider a request to waive non-member presenter registration fees, but only if the presenter is not associated with our field and is not otherwise attending the meeting.

    I’m an author on a poster. Do I get the speaker registration rate?

    No. An author on a poster does not qualify for the speaker registration rate. Only a Presenting Author can register with the speaker rate. There can be a maximum of two (2) Presenting Authors on a poster.

    What does "committee sponsorship" mean?

    AACAP has over 60 committees who work on various projects throughout the year. Many of these committees sponsor Annual Meeting programs as part of their functions. If a committee sponsors an Annual Meeting program, its members need to be actively involved in the program proposal and speaker selection. Please coordinate with the chair of the committee if you would like to seek committee sponsorship for a program. The Program Committee does not give preference to program proposals that are sponsored by an AACAP committee. Submissions are limited to a maximum of three (3) committee sponsors.

    Do I have to be a member of AACAP or a child and adolescent psychiatrist to submit?

    No, anyone can submit a program proposal for AACAP's Annual Meeting.

    Who can I call with other questions?

    For technical support with the online submission site, call customer service at The Conference Exchange at 401.334.0220. For questions about the content of your submission or the review process, contact a member of AACAP's Meetings Department at 202.966.7300, ext. 2006 or email meetings@aacap.org.

    Can a student, and/or trainee submit to the Call for Papers?

    AACAP highly encourages and supports program submissions from presenters with bachelor's level degrees, students, and current trainees (residents, fellows, and postdocs). Presenting authors who meet this criterion should indicate this by checking the "Student/Trainee Submission" box in Step 1 of the application. The Program Committee requires that all Student/Trainee applications be reviewed and approved by a senior co-author/mentor prior to final submission.

    What health and safety precautions will be taken in Chicago?

    The health and safety of AACAP's attendees is our top priority. Currently, AACAP follows CDC guidance regarding health and safety. We will continue to monitor a variety of health and safety factors and will determine exact health and safety protocols closer to the meeting.

    Can I present virtually?

    All presenters must be prepared to present in-person in Chicago. Only Institutes will be presented virtually in 2025. Presenters should not plan on presenting virtually for anything other than Institutes.

    Can I reuse materials in a submission that I've already presented somewhere else?

    Authors are expected to conform to accepted ethical standards of not submitting original research findings in multiple conferences or journals. Information that has already been presented or accepted for publication should not be submitted. Authors uncertain about their compliance with this rule should contact meetings@aacap.org. If you make changes or updates to a previous presentation, that is acceptable to submit for presentation.